San Antonio || 3201 Cherry Ridge Dr.: (210)-349-1415 | 1723 North Loop 1604 E: (210)-494-4943 | Garden Ridge: (830)-282-1430


Our engaging staff have the applicable training to provide professional services, for whatever unique or special education need you or your child may have. By focusing individual attention on each student, we can create an ideal learning path and environment for real growth and development.

Everybody deserves a chance to be at their best. While most traditional educational institutions provide a one-size-fits-all approach that focuses on success for standardized tests, we are here to look at other measures and essential life skills in which you or your child can find long-term success.

Success can be defined by so many things. Our variety of personal development and education services can help you define a broader education experience in which you can thrive in life.

Click through the options listed to learn more about each one.


Comprehensive individual evaluations designed to assess:


  • Speech Sound Development
  • Tongue Thrust
  • Oral Motor Skills
  • Receptive and Expressive Language
  • Auditory Processing
  • Social Language
  • Academic Development
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Attention Skills
  • Speech Fluency/Stuttering
  • Feeding and Swallowing
  • Autism


Early Speech and Language Development:

April, the owner of Greater Learning, LP, specializes in working with young children with communication, feeding, swallowing and behavior disabilities. April applies developmentally-appropriate methods for working with young children in the acquisition of communication and feeding skills. Treatment hierarchies build in developmentally appropriate activities, including “floor time,” where children learn best. April believes families are instrumental in building a child’s skills. April actively supports parental and caregiver involvement in the treatment process to increase opportunities for skills to be reinforced within the child’s daily environment/activities and provide for greater carryover of skills to the home environment.

For Children:

Early intervention is important in the preschool and elementary years to promote social and academic success.

Children are seen individually to address their specific speech, oral language, fluency, feeding/swallowing, or academic needs to facilitate early skills development.

For Adolescents:

During the difficult years of adolescence, primary reinforcement is gained from peers and school. Inefficient social and academic performance can lead to increased frustration and lowered self-esteem. Students experiencing difficulty can receive individualized instruction in social language development, abstract verbal reasoning, reading, and written language.

For Adults:

Training is designed to provide skills to meet individual needs in:

  • Dysphagia
  • Language and speech rehabilitation
  • Voice
  • Social Language
  • Fluency
  • Reading
  • Written Expression

Feeding and Swallowing

Greater Learning assists those who have:

  • Difficulty with breastfeeding or bottle-feeding.
  • History of medical issues, including reflux.
  • Difficult and lengthy feeding times.
  • Limited diet choices or tolerance of foods.

Bilingual Services

Greater Learning ofrece un rango completo de diagnósticos y servicios de terapias en Español.

Brindamos evaluaciones individuales integrales diseñadas para evaluar y proveer intervención para niños y adultos con trastornos de articulación/fonológica, lenguaje, fluidez, alimentación/deglución, comunicación cognitiva, trastorno del espectro autista (el autismo), habilidades motoras orales, discapacidad auditiva, lenguaje social, desarrollo académico, dificultades de aprendizaje, y habilidades de atención.

Terapia Ocupacional

Se ofrece terapia ocupacional para ayudar con las siguientes habilidades:

  • Habilidades de autoayuda
  • Habilidades visuales perceptivas y visomotoras
  • Procesamiento/integración sensorial
  • Escritura
  • Estimulación neuromotora con bio-feed back

Occupational Therapy

Recognizing individuals’ unique learning abilities, styles, and needs, we tailor occupational therapy to their specific needs by assessing any strengths and challenges.

  • Self-help skills
  • Visual, perceptual, and motor skills
  • Sensory processing/integration
  • Handwriting
  • Neuromotor stimulation with the bio-feedback


Gain a better understanding of your child’s or your learning style. Assistance in determining the best school program to meet your child’s specific needs. We provide the opportunity for networking among professionals to better serve your child.


SpeechEasy devices resemble hearing aids. However, the device does not amplify sound but makes slight adjustments causing a slight time delay and a different pitch to recreate the “choral effect.” Stuttering is dramatically reduced or even eliminated when speaking or singing with others. With decades of documented research on the choral effect backing SpeechEasy’s effectiveness, this small, wearable device is a life changer paired with Greater Learning’s techniques for improving speech and hearing.

Fast ForWord

An interactive computer software program designed to improve an individual’s ability to process, understand, and respond to language.

Who Benefits?

This program is for children, adolescents, and adults who experience difficulties in listening, oral language, or reading skills.

What does the program include?

Computer training 5 days a week for 4-8 weeks. Sessions are 90-100 minutes per day.

Option 1: On-site Training

  • Pre- and Post-testing of language and reading skills.
  • Four to eight week computer training program monitored by our staff.
  • Weekly reports and feedback on progress by a certified professional.

Option 2: Off-site Training

  • Pre- and Post-testing of language and reading skills.
  • Four to eight week computer training program monitored by the parent.
  • Weekly reports and feedback on progress by a certified professional.

Fast ForWord targets the language and learning impaired individual.

While most children naturally acquire all the skills necessary for language during the first few years of life, research has shown that many of them fail to develop some key skills on their own. About 10 percent of all children have a specific disability in making a reliable distinction among the elements of speech. This failure to make reliable distinctions can lead to poor language comprehension, speech production problems, and reading problems.

Reading Assistant

Combines advanced speech verification technology with scientifically-based reading interventions to help individuals strengthen their reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills for increased success in the classroom. Our program provides direct learning opportunities specific to their needs.

For information on enrolling in Fast ForWord, contact:


(210) 349-1415


For more information about Fast ForWord and other Scientific Learning Programs, see the following websites:

The Listening Program

What’s New

Take the world’s most scientifically-advanced music listening program wherever you go with TLP Online. Enjoy the benefits of The Listening Program® at home or on the go. Listen online from your computer, download the free Android or iOS app, and listen anywhere you have a data connection.

What is The Listening Program (TLP)?

The Listening Program (TLP) is a Music-Based Auditory Stimulation method that is an affordable, effective approach for enabling individuals with a broad range of challenges and abilities to achieve even more.

Why TLP?

Difficulties in auditory and language processing can lead to problems with:

  • Attention and concentration
  • Listening
  • Memory
  • Communication
  • Social skills
  • Reading
  • Sensory Integration
  • Self-regulation
  • Vocal performance and musical ability

How does the program work?

TLP is an individualized program that can be done at home. It involves two 15 min. listening sessions 5 days a week for 10 weeks.

For more information on TLP, you may contact us at

(210) 349-1415 or visit the following websites:

Behavior Management

Children with language delays often develop negative behaviors as they lack the use of language to meet their daily needs.

Develop skills that enable you to interact positively with your child.

Learn to identify age-appropriate behaviors and how to respond to them.

Make learning an enjoyable task.

For more information, contact us at:
(210) 349-1415

Brown Bears Learning Program

The global sickness of 2020 has created a situation in which children have not had the opportunity to develop healthy physical and peer relationships due to being isolated at home and lacking the opportunities to engage in appropriate play with peers. April partnered with Montessori teachers to build opportunities for children to develop skills for following routines of a classroom situation and interacting with peers. Their collaboration led to the creation of Brown Bears.

While not a classroom, the Montessori style environment emphasizes independence. Children can optimally express their natural eagerness to learn when provided with an adequately prepared and supportive learning environment. Based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning, and collaborative play, Montessori is a highly-effective method of education. This Montessori style surrounding encourages children to make creative choices in their learning, offering activities appropriate to their age to facilitate the process. Children can discover and explore the world’s knowledge and develop their full potential in a small group or individually.

Brown Bears will embrace the Montessori approach and build opportunities for children experiencing increased isolation to develop increased age-appropriate language and play skills.

For more information, contact us at:
(210) 349-1415


Handwriting Camp


Watch 2 of our workshops here:


Strong-Willed Child Webinar


How to Develop Independence in Children


For more information, contact us at:
(210) 349-1415

Insurances Accepted

In Network:

  • BCBS
  • Community First
  • Oscar
  • First Health
  • Friday Health Plans
  • Multiplan
  • Molina
  • TriCare
  • United Health Care

Out of Network

  • Aetna
  • Humana

Get in Touch

Prefer texting?

You can now message us directly by texting (210) 349-1415.


Mon - Thurs — 8:30am - 6:30pm
Friday — 8:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday — Closed

Greater Learning Cherry Ridge Dr.

3201 Cherry Ridge Dr., Ste. C-323
San Antonio, TX 78230

(210) 349-1415

Greater Learning North Loop

1723 North Loop 1604 E, Suite. 209
San Antonio, TX 78232

(210) 494-4943

Greater Learning Garden Ridge

19243 FM 2252, Suite 100
Garden Ridge, TX  78266

(830) 282-1430

3201 Cherry Ridge Dr., Ste. C-323
San Antonio, TX 78230

(210) 349-1415

1723 North Loop 1604 E, Suite. 209
San Antonio, TX 78232

(210) 494-4943

19243 FM 2252, Suite 100
Garden Ridge, TX  78266

(830) 282-1430