San Antonio || 3201 Cherry Ridge Dr.: (210)-349-1415 | 1723 North Loop 1604 E: (210)-494-4943
How to Reduce and Replace Your Toddler’s Screen Time

How to Reduce and Replace Your Toddler’s Screen Time

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children are getting an average of 7 hours per day of screen time, from television and computers to phones and game consoles. Did you know that the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommends avoiding digital media use...
5 Ways to Help Your Child’s Behavior

5 Ways to Help Your Child’s Behavior

There is no one thing that works for all children, and there is no one quick fix, however, there are many techniques that will help children whether or not they have autism. Here are our top 5 tips parents can use daily that help reduce tantrums, increase...
5 Ways to Involve Siblings in Speech Therapy

5 Ways to Involve Siblings in Speech Therapy

How does your child/children feel when their sibling gets speech and language therapy and they don’t? Do your other children ever feel left out? It’s understandable that siblings sometimes act out because they may feel left out, jealous or simply confused why someone...
3 Tips to Help Encourage Eating for Kids

3 Tips to Help Encourage Eating for Kids

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often have trouble accepting an array of tastes, textures and temperatures of foods. As noted in recent studies on the topic, “the estimated prevalence of feeding problems in children with autism has been reported to be as...